October 24, 2014

Voice Lessons

Voice Lessons Geneva, NY
Gonzo Music provides personalized voice lessons and vocal coaching for all ages and abilities in Geneva, New York. Singing is something everyone can enjoy and feel confident doing. If you can speak, then you can sing. By learning and practicing the proper techniques of body awareness, breathing, and ear training anyone can unlock their singing voice within. Vocal instructor Michael George (Gonzo) develops a custom approach that guides each student to discover and develop their singing voice.
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“Who should take voice lessons?”

Youth Students
The benefits young people get from music lessons and training is well established. Studying music enhances the robust brain development already in progress during these years. This develops the reasoning and language centers of the brain and make young people better at problem solving and spatial awareness. While in simplest terms this can lead to better grades, it’s value is much deeper than test scores. That’s because it fosters a creative approach to learning and understanding other subjects. By instilling important values like patience, work ethic, cooperation, and dynamics musical experiences develop life skills will serve them in all aspects of daily life. Music studies develop confidence in students with low self-esteem. And lets not forget that music is a wonderful gift that we should all get to enjoy.

Adult Students
Learning to sing as an adult can be an enlightening experience. We live in a culture where people label themselves as ‘musical’ or ‘non-musical’. The truth is, if you’re a human being, you already have music inside you. It’s part of nature, part of our genes, and part of the human experience. Unlocking your voice will connect you to life in ways you never knew possible. It enhances music you already enjoy by giving a better understanding of how it works. If you already play an instrument, voice lessons will help improve through the ear training and development. It will open up new social experiences like singing at church, in a community group, at karaoke, any more. Plus you can teach your children and grandchildren how music can enrich their lives too.

Elderly Students

Amateur and Professional Singers